I thought it a good idea to post some of my status updates from the past that I thought kinda funny and others commented on. I may take some time in the future to elaborate on them. That's one problem with using these thoughts as
Facebook status updates. I feel rushed to get my point across because only so much is actually shown. I am not one of those people that can get everything out that is on my mind in a limited amount of characters. I don't like that pressure! My mother always said there are 3 types of people in this world; those who can count and those who can't...
"Are you gettin' crazy wit me essay? Don't you know I'm loco?"
Oh dear lord and my burning retina. God of karma please tell me what I did wrong to have to look down at the newspaper at the same time as the woman in the short moo-moo from 202 bent over to pick one up...
Someone should create something that you can type that means the action of pointing to your nose. Like a "you got it right on" kind of action. Hitting the "like" button just doesn't do it. When this is created said person and all that use said action should pay me $0.10 every time it's used. Just an idea...
Oh goodness, there isn't enough money for the ski trip and Screech has offered to sell his body to science but Zach thought of a carnival.... Oh what adventures will we have in
Bayside today? Love lazy Sundays!
"This is one of those situations where dumping piss on your head is a bad idea" - Land of The Lost
Trying to teach the boy how to say diaper and he's trying. whenever their is a dirty one he calls it, and I couldn't make this up, a
The boy is in the kitchen, bare bum, when I hear a trickling noise that can only be the sound of urine hitting the floor from 16 inches. When I come around the corner I see him standing and admiring the puddle he's created when he sees me and gets spooked. He takes off running but slips in his pee puddle and just like ...a cartoon his feet go from under him and he falls flat on his ass... I tried not to laugh...
So while walking with the boy I hear a voice behind us say in gruff tone, "Move to the left or right." I look behind to see a woman on a bike trying to get by. I take my time going to the left. On her way by the late 40's to early 50's woman says, "Dick." I explain to Brodie, loud so she could hear, that "Dick" must me...an, "thank you for moving to the left of the
sideWALK so I could RIDE by".
Jason Alexander is just trying to have a quiet lazy Sunday morning staying in pj's for as long as possible but some ambitious year and a half year old keeps bringing me his jeans saying "please"
Friends don't let friends sweat in bras
I keep seeing the commercial for the Lysol no-touch soap pump. I agree 100% that the top of a normal anti-bacterial soap pump is covered in bacteria... However, and this is the part where I save you some cash, what is it we do after we touch it? You're welcome.
Wow, I didn't realize how many of these things I did. This brings us to the beginning of this month... I don't know how far back
Facebook keeps. I will keep looking and perhaps make a volume 2 of these when I have some more time... I thought this would just take me a couple minutes...
Stay classy Internet.