Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cherry Post!

I love it when we laugh together. Even more when we don't
say anything and no one else knows why we are.

So here it is. My first blog. I guess the proper thing to do here is to explain how this came about and by doing so perhaps clear up the title as well. The other day I posted an update on Facebook about an experience in the car. In total there were 20 people who either made a comment, selected the "like" option or sent me a message about it. A friend from high school mentioned in her comment that I should write a book. This isn't the first time someone has told me what I should be doing with my specific way of writing and my sense of humour. I guess I should include that update here so we are clear as to what I'm talking about.

From the drivers seat I look into the rear-view and see, for the first time ever, my son pull a lovely chunk of, what can only be described as, nostril gold and proceed to cram it into his gullet. It's a banner day for the Alexander clan.

So there it is. The inspiration for the blog. After asking the friend what she meant by me writing a book and what I would talk about that would be interesting to others I let it fester in my mind for a couple of hours. I've thought about writing a book before. It's been something that I've toyed with and thought about for at least 20 years. I'm not that old so I guess that is most of my life. The idea has always excited me, I've thought of a million different things to do. I always wondered if anyone would read a biography of a "normal" (term used extremely loosely...) person. I then spoke to another friend online who said that perhaps I could write a book that consisted of short stories. I thought about that for the rest of the night. I often have conversations in my mind with myself. I assume everyone does it but they don't talk about it for fear of sounding nuts. That particular self-convo went something like this,
"I could do that, I could write a semi-humorous book with short stories"
"Do you really think so? Would this turn into something that was started with guns blazing and then fizz out half-finished?"
"I'm not sure, but I think I could do it"
"OK, even if you did go though with it, who would read such a book? Who would ever read a book of short stories that had no real meaning or purpose other than to just exist?
"Have you ever heard of the bible?"
"Touche self, touche."
I was toying with ideas and how to get started. I really didn't want to write it on paper. I can type way faster than write and it hurts my hands much less. Then I heard of a Twitter account that was started and now the guy has a book out and it's being mentioned on all sorts of pages and shows. Shit my dad said or something like that. I thought, that's it, a blog. Even if no one ever read it at least I will have it started somewhere... So there it is, and how it came to be. I, Jason "No, Not That Guy, Alan Alexander, have started a blog that will include thoughts and experiences from my life and most of all, my son. Brodie Alan Alexander. Please enjoy. Have a laugh on me.
Stay classy Internet.


  1. It's amazing to see the blog up and large-as-life Jay. Incredibly uplifting and hilarious writing by a very funny guy!

  2. Wow, I've got to say. This is some of the most amazing writing I've ever seen. I have it on good authority that you are an absolutely handsome man. I can just tell. Please don't ever stop posting. I will hang myself if you do.
