An older pic of my Bubby and I on my bed
He's always been attentive when it comes to music.
Not so much when told not to touch something
*I've decided that when a post is inspired by a Facebook status update that I will put said status update at the beginning of the blog in bold letters. It's my thought for now anyways. You know, until it just seems to be too much work...
Pretty much all of my memories from my childhood are music related or I can pinpoint that time in my life by a song. I'm not sure if everyone is like that or not. I don't really care. I am. Since the boy is fruit from my loins, which I find to be a disgusting term by the way, I'm hoping he'll be the same way. If not, I have been wasting a lot of time playing him music. I didn't find out who my real father was until I was in my early 20's. Upon this discovery I learned why music had always been so important to me. My biological father was a musician. Now, I know the whole nature vs nurture thing and I believe in a little bit of both. Upon learning this small morsel of information I was given a guitar from my girlfriend at the time. I had a basic book with chords listed and a small theory section. I learned basic chords and songs within a couple months and bled out my fingers in the process. I have always regretted not knowing earlier that it was in my blood. I have decided that my son will have the option for as long as he wants it. I can already tell that he likes music. But most kids do I think.... I don't want to pressure him into it or force feed him music to the point where he hates it. I do want him to take piano lessons because I think that the basics are learned there best. Who knows, maybe in the future he'll let me live off of his fame. Either way, I know that we will both be laughing at that time, long ago, he cried because the pick fell into the guitar opening.
Stay classy Internet.
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