This has nothing to do with the blog... I just thought it was funny stuff...
The boy likes to sit behind me on the couch and I lean back and smoosh him a little... The other night while squishing him I said "CRUNCH!" Well, being the little recorder/repeater that he is he decided to say it as well. The problem is that although he is doing really well with his talking, when he said "crunch" he removed the "r" and made the "ch" into a "t". Then he proceeded to say his version of crunch over and over and over. A good father would have changed the topic right away. Someone like me however, couldn't stop laughing long enough to do anything but laugh a lot more. I didn't just laugh either. Normally that word makes me cringe. It makes me sick to my stomach actually. As sexist as it may be, it wigs me out even more when a woman says it. However, when his little voice threw it out there over and over, and since it was so innocent. I HAD to laugh. It wasn't a normal little giggle either. I thought for some reason that it was the funniest thing ever. I had one of those tears down your face, snot seeping out of your nostril and can't breathe kind of laughs.
I would like to take this time to mention that there are actually some good people left in this fucked up world of ours. We went to the cottage last week and on the way up we had a bit of bad luck. First we had to buy a new battery for the car because the one in it died. That was a hundred bucks gone. Then I think that because we had a bad battery and the alternator was running the car for too long that it cooked itself, the alternator that is. This isn't something that happens at a good spot ever. It happened in the middle of an intersection and on a hill... going up... I got out and started pushing. A super nice guy came over and started pushing with me and another after that and we finally got the car out of the way of traffic. I thanked the man for his help and I assumed that would be all. He asked if a boost would help me get on my way because he would hate to see a young family stuck and would do that for me if it would help. I told him I doubted it but it might. He didn't have cables and neither did I since they are in the other car... Smart move... Anyways, the guy, Joe, says that he has something that will work at his house around the corner and he would go get it. I told him thanks but I didn't want to put him out but he insisted. He returned a few moments later with a booster pack. He asks where I am heading and when I'd be back in the area. I told him I'd be coming back that way in about a week. Joe then insists that I take the $150 pack with me in case I need it on the way and I could just call him and drop it off in a week when I came through again. I was shocked (pun intended). He said it was a gift and he knew that there was a chance I might not call and it would be gone but he didn't care as long as I had a chance at making it to my destination. Wow. I assured him I would be getting it back to him and thanked him. He was then on his way. I could only get the car to run when the pack was hooked onto the battery terminals so, in a ballsy move, I put it on it's side and closed the hood as much as I could on it so that I could at least move the car into a better spot, the Tim Hortons down the street with a little bit of shade was what was in my mind. On the way down the street, with my hazard lights on, the hood of course had to fly up and blind me until I stopped and put it down again. I drove slower the rest of the way... Once in the parking lot and in some shade, we made a few calls and had a new alternator soon on its way. I started to remove the old one with the tools in my trunk, thank god I didn't take them out) when who should appear again, like a cowboy on a stallion, but our now good buddy Joe! He says he was at the store across the street and noticed that I hadn't made it far and saw my hood up so he wanted to make sure we were ok! I told him the story and that the new part was on it's way and would be there in about an hour. Joe tells me that it's much too hot to be sitting in a parking lot and that he would love to give us a ride over to his house where his wife and kids were just putting some food on the bbq and would love us to join and maybe go for a swim in their pool! This kind of man isn't so common anymore. He wasn't even like a creepy dude that was like, come on over and sit in my basement for a bit, IT PUTS THE LOTION IN THE BASKET! He was just a genuine dude. I told him that I really needed to get the old part off and be ready for the new one so that we could be on our way but thanked him for everything and assured him that he would be hearing from me to deliver the unit back to him on my way back home. I always stop to see if there is anything I can do when I see someone on the side of the road and now I know how thankful those people really are. I used to stop more than I have been until recently. I guess our lives get just a little too busy. Not anymore. I have already helped a guy out who was broken down across the street. I brought him and his wife a cold water and their little one some apple juice. I have really gotten some perspective on life from my summer vacation this year. I think we all need to stop and think about what is really important in life. Besides, even if you don't believe in Karma, you can never be too safe and what do you lose by helping someone out a little other than a few moments that you would likely spend doing something far less satisfying.
Stay classy Internet!
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