Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"Hey little one, you know what else makes Jesus happy?  Jesus loves Pudding pops. What did you think Jesus was going to say?"


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The End of An Era...

Funny, same can be said for children...

Howdy y'all! Let me get right into it here. My son Brodie has always had an amazing talent when it comes to the art of wind passing. He can blow with the best of them. He's been stupendous with volume since birth. When in an empty room he's been known to make echos Grand Canyon style. He has a variety of different sounds in his arsenal from dry and powerful to wet and with substance. It's amazing. About six months ago he added aroma to the mix which put him over the top in my book. It's no secret that all men enjoy a good show of flatulence and I am no different. I'll admit that my chest puffed a little in pride when he would throw one out there in the presence of family and friends. I even giggled when it was a show for strangers. BUT, when he added that little gem and it wafted to my nostrils for the first time I was ecstatic! Not only was it that little bit more pride for me to beam but it completed the perfect trifecta! Count them with me here! One- arse amplified boom, Two- eye watering stench and now the all important number Three- BLAME!  With his limited vocabulary and the fact that he found it just as funny as I did no matter who it came from made it the perfect scapegoat for yours truly!
All good things, this included, shall pass. This week as marked the aforementioned "End of An Era!"..... At the beginning of the week Brodie decided the extra funny ending to his bum-boom would be to add "Brodie Toot!" I also laughed. It was cute. HOWEVER, not long after I heard the two little words I should have seen coming but didn't... "Daddy toot!" I didn't laugh this time. The gig is up. There you have it folks. My sadness all out there for your reading pleasure. And yes, I did make my first post of September a, very true, "fart joke." Laugh it up chuckles. I didn't even get into the fact that he has also learned how to push them out at will. That's funny too. But it's just not as funny as when you know that your ass, excuse the pun, is no longer covered.
Stay classy Internet.